Friday, February 26, 2010

Career changes

So Jack left yesterday to go to the Service Academy Career Conference in Savanah. It's kind of like a job fair for people who went to a Service Academy. There were 59 companies there (including Microsoft, Amazon, Lockhead Martin... just to name a few), so it was a great opportunity for Jack to get his foot in the door into the civilian work environment. He obviously won't be getting a job a year in advance, but he was glad he went for networking purposes and to build his own confidence in these little "mini-interviews" since he never had to actually interview in his adult life!

He ran into a guy he graduated from the Academy with (he's gotten passed for promotion twice also for an incident 10 years ago... the Navy sure does know how to hold on to things) and they got to talking. Jack told him that he was going to Afganistan, even though we expected to be out in January for lack of promotion. He informed Jack that by law they have to send you back 90 days before your exit date. That would mean Jack would have be home sometime in November (depending on when we find out that he didn't get promoted). I find it pointless to send someone to Afganistan for 4 months. All that training, all that money to train him and move us and send him would be wasted! Jack is going to talk to his training officers to see if that is actually true and if it is that he might not be promoted (and probably won't be) and will need to be sent home. It'll be interesting to see what happens. I be they say, "but you MIGHT be promoted!" HA! I think after 3 looks, the odds of him getting promoted on the 4th are slim! Things change daily in military life so it'll be interesting to see what really happens at the end of all this. Regardless I hope that 90 day rule really is true because it'll make the transition to civilian life a little less abrupt!

Monday, February 22, 2010

bed update

So the kids went fast asleep and we didn't hear another peep until 7:30! I reminded Tre to try not to have an accident before he went to bed and he said, "NO WAY! I won't have an accident on my Transformer sheets!" Sure enough, he didn't! YAY! This morning when they woke up Tre's first statement was, "Can I take a nap today on the top bunk with my Transformer sheets?" Considering this child hasn't napped in almost a year, I think this is a small miracle. I am sure he won't, but the fact that he actually asked is a miracle in itself. We are so happy that at least that transition went smoothly!

Oh! Today is William's birthday and when I asked what he wanted to do today he said, "Wear UNDIES!!" I wish!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Baby is 2!

Tomorrow is William's birthday but we did a little something tonight since tomorrow is a work day (even though we found out today that Jack has off tomorrow... o'well.) We decided to do it low key with everything going on and it was perfect. We took the kids to McD's and Frankie and Roger came with Leona and John Parker. They played for a while and then we came home for cake and presents. I love this video of us singing to him because when we say his name he gets a big smile. I can hardly believe my precious William is two.

Big Boy Beds

So William is turning two tomorrow, so I thought now was as good a time as any to try to get him to sleep in the bottom bunk and move Tre up to the top bunk. I didn't know who to be more worried about....William moving to a "big boy" bed or Tre moving to the top.

William took a nap in the big bed and did great. He got out of his bed once to say he needed to pee. Not because he had to, but because that is Tre's routine... to go to bed and immediately run to the door to say he needs to potty. Jack put him back in bed and that was the end of that. Yay for William.

While William was napping I took Tre to the store to pick out new sheets to get him excited about sleeping at the top. He picked out the most hideous Transformer sheets you have ever seen, but thankfully, he has a plain red bed spread to cover them up :) We got William some Cars sheets and he loved them too!

Tonight we had a small celebration for William's birthday. Frankie and Roger and their two kiddos came to McD's with us and then we came home for presents and cake. They had fun and we were all playing with William's new train track when Tre, all of the sudden proclaimed that he wanted to go to bed and wanted the lights off. What hospitality on his part... John Parker was still playing in there! Anyway, they took that as their cue to leave and Tre was so excited about his new bed all tucked in before they even walked out of the door.

They are still up there chatting up a storm but we are letting them be excited about their new beds. In a bit we'll go up there and get them to calm down.

Here is a video of them having a little fun with Jack. By the way, we have two video cameras up there so that we can see both.
I am so super duper stressed about this upcoming deployment. I feel like a weeny because I know so many woman go through this, but I guess we've been spoiled since he hasn't been deployed in 5 years and I've never had to do it with kids. Things seems so different now. My cup is overflowing and I cry at the drop of a hat. The other day I told off my bank, balled cried on the phone and hung up on the poor woman! TWICE! Don't mess with me right now. Here are my thoughts:

1. What if something happens to my wonderful husband? I will die. DIE! Tre will die!
2. What if this house doesn't sell? Should I still move to Lafayette and pay a mortgage and rent?
3. Jack won't let me NOT move to Lafayette, so then I stress about having to paying a mortgage and rent.
4. How will my sweet Tre handle all of this. I told him we're moving and he keeps saying he doesn't want to and he doesn't want anyone else staying in this house. He handled Top Gun terribly, so I know this will be worse.
5. I am going to be so tired being a mother to a 4 and 2 year old all by myself. No breaks. No sleep in days. I will be near family, but asking one of them to watch the kids while I take a trip to the mall or grocery store alone isn't the same or as guilt free as when Jack is home watching them.
6. What if something happens to my wonderful husband? Oh wait! Did I say that already?
7. Will we have a job when he gets home and we're out of the Navy or will we be unemployed?
8. I'm going to have to potty train by myself. (I know that's small and will work itself out, but I am worrying about small stuff too!!! I can't help myself!!!!)
9. How long should we sign a lease for in the apartment. Will they not promote him and send him home in January or will they extend him even though the law says they can't. If we rent for a year we get one months rent free.
10. We have soooooo much to do with the house to get it ready to go on the market. How will we EVER get it all done. I keep looking around and seeing more and more things and it's STRESSING ME OUT!!!

The list goes on and on. I can't handle much more.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

So we found out today that Jack is being deployed for a year in Afganistan. The worst part is that it is a non-flying job and he will be on the ground. He leaves for training at Fort Dix in New Jersey on April 26 and then for Afganistan on June 18, totaling 15 months away from home. I've spent most of the day crying. I thought I knew this was going to happen, but the minute we got the news I knew I really didn't expect it. I was and still am in shock.

Everyone keeps saying, maybe this will help with promotion, but at this point we don't want to be promoted. We want to get out and reclaim control over our lives. Jack is going to a career conference in a week and will hopefully have some good job leads to have a job ready for him when he gets back since the moment we get back we'll most probably be kicked to the curb anyway. I love the appreciation the Navy has for it's members. Sense the anger I have? Hence the reason we want to get out!

Our plan is to sell the house and move me and the boys to Lafayette to an apartment complex located in my parents neighborhood. My sister is going to sign our boys up to go to the same school her kids go to so it will be cool for the boys to be near some of their cousins. We are going to put them in for 5 half days a week to give me some "me" time. We're going to get the boys a doll from and so much more.

We'll keep you updated!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mardi Gras dancing

I just loved how much the kids enjoyed the atmosphere and music today. I am just thrilled that they seem to love the Cajun culture as much as I do!
This is Gretna Mardi Gras. It's a more Coon Ass version of the Uptown, but still fun! It's a little less crowded, so we like that. Plus, my best friend, Frankie, lives a few blocks from the parade so we got to park there and walk. The kids BOTH really loved Mardi Gras this year. Both of them really got into it and it was sooo much fun to watch them enjoy the experience. It's sad that this might be our last year in New Orleans!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

First Ride in a Mardi Gras Parade

I drove half way to Lafayette and met my wonderful Mother who babysat (with my dad) the kids overnight so that Jack and I could ride on the Navy Recruiting float in the Krewe D'Etat Mardi Gras Parade. I've lived in Louisiana my whole life and have never ridden in a parade and it was such a blast! It amazes me the screaming and yelling everyone does for a simple bead. It really is a crazy tradition, but a very, very fun one!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Navy makes my Blood Boil

For all you non-Navy people stick with me here. This is really hard to explain.

So Jack's Squadron told everyone last week that they had to pick someone to go on a year IA (Individual Augment...non-flying job and on the ground with the Seals or Marines) to Afganistan. Four squadrons had to select a name and from those four people, one name will be picked. Well, no one in Jack's squadron volunteered and his Skipper informed him today that he chose Jack. That doesn't mean he is going, it just means he now has a 1 and 4 chance. I understand that we are in the Navy and everyone faces this at some point or another but that isn't what makes me mad.

We were under the impression that we had two more opportunities to be selected for LCDR. However, while in the meeting with the Skipper, he informed Jack that he found out from the detailer (the guy that assigns Military members their job) that he only has one more opportunity. Assuming we don't get it (odds are we won't), we will be forced out of the Navy January 2011. If he gets picked for this IA he will train in April and leave in June and be home June 2011, 6 months after the time we would be forced out. Here are our possible scenerios:

1. Leave for Afganistan, not get selected for promotion get kicked out in January of 2011 and come home, but have no time to find a job. The major positive is getting out of the danger zone and back to family sooner rather than later.

2. Go to Afganistan, not get selected for promotion and then APPLY for continuance and IF he got it, extend another year for another promotion cycle but stay the whole time in Afganistan and get out in January 2012.

We are leaning towards decision number one. Why delay the inevitable and be in the danger zone and away from family?

We find out Thursday if he is selected for the IA. I'll keep you updated.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Better Shopping Choices!

So we were shopping for Tre's Valentines for his class and he saw this M&M dispenser that he wanted to get for everyone. I countered with a cheaper M&M item. Here was the conversation:

Tre: Look at these M&M's!!!!!! Mom, I wanna get these! I wanna get these!
Me: What about these M&M's?
Tre: But Moooo-ooom, I like these!
Me: But Tre, these are cheaper.
Tre: Oooh Mommy! I like cheaper! I like cheaper! (all while jumping up and down happily!)

Like mother, like son!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Geaux Saints!

Tre and William have developed a love for the Saints just like Jack and me. They love to sing the several different Saints songs. This was on our way to a Super Bowl party so we were all in the spirit. Of course, we were THRILLED that they actually won! This city is exploding with pride, joy, and spirit! It's hard to believe and an awesome experience!!!

Grumpy Tre

I like to share the good, bad, and ugly. I think this is especially funny. We were on our way to Lafayette and Tre was complaining that he was thirsty. The problem is that he takes after his mother and the minute he drinks something, the minute he starts complaining that he needs the bathroom. Anyway, lately this is how he gets angry and I MUCH prefer this over a temper tantrum!!!