Thursday, April 29, 2010

I LOVE watching the boys play together. There's nothing better.

Tre had his 4 year old well child doctor's appointment. He weighed 36 pounds, which is a 5 pound weight gain since last year. I find this amazing since I know he doesn't eat much. What's even more amazing is that he's in the 50th percentile for weight. He's been at 25% his whole life. I can't remember the exact inches. I think it was 41 and he was in the 75 percentile for that. Poor boy had to get 4 shots. If you think it's heart breaking giving shots to an infant, it's WAY worse when they are older. Tre was sooo soo good. He let the doctor do his exam and he even giggled about it. When it was time for shots the doc asked who wanted to go first (William needed one) and Tre enthusiastically said, "MEEEE!" He laid down happily and then the first sting and MAN was he pissed! Poor guy! I told him he didn't need any more shots till he was 11 and he said through his wailing, "I DON'T WANNA GO TO THE DOCTOR WHEN I'M 11!" Poor guy is fine now!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Tre!

Tre has been so so excited about his 4th birthday. We've been counting down since 16 days before. We didn't plan a formal party since we weren't sure where we would be at this point, but we went to Chucky Cheese with my sister's three kiddos and then swam and opened presents at my parents house (his Bebe and Bepa). I think he had the perfect day. At the end of the day we always ask what his favorite part was and last night he said, "Going to Chucky Cheese, swimming, opening presents, eating cake and playing with Grant." That sure sounds like a good day to me!

P.S. Notice William singing. Is he sweet or what?!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest Things!

I have the sweetest boy. His Parrain has been telling him all weekend that they got him clothes for his birthday and Tre has been TRYING to act excited about it. This is what happened when he opened their present. I really thought it was priceless.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I must brag...

... we have the sweetest little boy alive. Tre's birthday is one week and a day after mine, so he's been anxiously waiting for my birthday so that his could be next. I reminded him yesterday that it was my birthday and this was the convo:

Me: Tre, did you know my birthday was tomorrow?
Tre: Oh no, Mommy! I didn't get you a present?
Me: That's okay. Be a good boy all day tomorrow and that can be my present.
Tre: (giggle) That isn't a present?
Me: Well then sleep in really late!
Tre: (giggle) NO MOM! That isn't a present either?

Jack later told me that Tre asked Jack if he could take him to the store to get me a present. He can't grasp the concept that shoes are a good present. He thinks everyone likes toys, so they settled on the classic game of Twister.

I thought he was so thoughtful to ask his daddy to take him to the store!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Our house in UNDER CONTRACT!!

We got a low ball offer a couple of days ago and we countered and came down to where we would break even. I was sure they wouldn't accept, but they did! I am soo soo relieved and thrilled. It couldn't have happened at a better time. Jack leaves in a week so he was still here fore negotiations, but he comes back for 2 weeks at the end of May. We will move the first week and close the second! I am soo soo relieved!

P.S. The house sold in little over a month. That's pretty darn good in this market!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tre is SOO strong-willed

So last night I made Broccoli and cheese soup and turkey sandwiches and Tre refused to eat it. When he does this, I make sure to make something in the morning he has never tried. Today we made egges (sunny side up) for breakfast and he refused to eat it. So for lunch I served the same thing he wouldn't eat for dinner. If he's hungry, maybe he'll try it. Nope. Not my boy. He has the will power of something fierce! I even upped the anty and threatened to throw away his favorite toy. He screamed the whole time and STILL refused to eat it. I threw the transformer in the trash. (*** Don't worry. I am not that mean. I secretly got it out of the trash and will give it back to him when he eats something new that he has never tried.) He was traumitized. He asked to go to bed. I let him. He came out about 10 minutes later and calm.

I left the sandwich and soup out and 3 hours later he ate the whole sandwich (all while saying, "YUMMY!) Then he licked the soup! STINKER!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

William NOT sleeping

Jack and I read them books, said prayers and kissed them goodnight. We made sure they were sleeping. Three hours later, I was about to go to bed, and I looked up and saw the kids light on. We went upstairs to check it out. Poor Tre was passed out (with the lights on) and William was caught red handed in Tre's shoes and playing with his toys. I ran downstairs to get the camera because I thought it was so cute!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

This video makes me laugh. Tre (my clean child) hated that the Easter Bunny made a trail of M & M's (even though it's his favorite candy). William (my more messy child) LOVED that the Easter Bunny made a trail of M & M's. It took a LONG time to convince him to come down stairs just to see what he brought.