Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Tonight was Halloween and the kids (and adults too) had a great time. In this video, we had the kids practice their little "routine" and they did quite well.

We went to my twin sister's house tonight. We had quite a crowd with the whole "Bloomer" clan and John's side of the family too. There were probably about 40 people there to enjoy some red beans and rice before all the trick or treating.

It was a great neighborhood to "Trick or Treat" in. There were tons of kids and tons of houses with lots of goodies. This year was extra fun since both kids were old enough to really get into it and enjoy it. Hopefully, we'll be trick or treating in our new neighborhood next year and it's just as fun!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Soccer 2010

Tre started soccer this Fall. He really enjoys it, but is very timid. He really just follows the crowd on the field and has no interest in actually kicking the ball! HA! It's quite funny to watch! He says he likes it, though, so we'll stick with it until he doesn't. Mostly, we want to involve him in team sports to teach team work and sportsmanship.


Tre busted out with this the other day and I wanted to get it on video!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


The boys had a dentist appointment today and I was TOTALLY dreading it. Tre's always been good with the dentist, but William is a whole other story!

Thankfully, Tre stuck with tradition and was amazing. This was the first time he went through the whole Shabang! He let them scrape the plaque off, brush, floss, etc! Not one complaint.

William sat in my lap the whole time and totally stared at Tre. He didn't move. When it was his turn, he whined a little and then asked if I would sit with him. Of course, I did, and he did just as awesome as Tre. Plaque removed, teeth brushed and flossed, and oral exam! CHECK!

I was so super proud of them both!!!

My Poor Guy

My poor guy! He has the worst luck. Last week, he was supposed to do an Out and In (Navy terms: fly in to an airport somewhat far away, refuel, and fly back home) last week to Acadiana, which just so happens to be where we are living right now. So, I get the kids all excited, invited our nephew to come along, get in the car and on our way to the airport, just to get a last minute call that Jack's jet went down (Navy terms: broke). So, I turned the car around with some disappointed kids.

So tonight we had our second chance. Jack was scheduled for an Out and In into Acadiana again. This time, I invited adults who wouldn't be as disappointed with last minute cancellations. Frankie, Roger, Becky, and John all came and we actually made it to the airport this time. Jack's phone was off when I called, which is a clear sign he was on his way. We waited and waited and finally 2 jets flew over. The kids were screaming for "daddy" and it was really exciting. No matter how many times I see it, it never gets old. Anyway, the 2 jets land and the first pilot gets out and it isn't Jack. John joked that he didn't come and lo and behold, the second pilot gets out and he was bald, but he wasn't "our" baldy! DAMN!

Come to find out, Jack discovered he had FOD (loose piece that he couldn't find) in his jet and protocol states you turn around and go for a straight in landing. A knob had fallen off the handle and if you can't find it, there is a chance it could be in the throttle or what not, so you can't take chances.

Phooey! Maybe next time!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010


William had his surgery on Friday and all went well. After reading all the risks, I barely slept the night before. I know there are always risks associated with surgery, but when you read them on paper they are much more real! Paraplegic, quadroplegic, death! AGH! Scary! Of course, I asked the doctor the chances of this happening and he said 1 and a million, but that is still too high of a chance for my baby boy. He said the biggest (more realilistic) risk had to do with his voice box, since they were going so close to it. Thankfully, all went well. He can still walk and talk :)

I had to wake him up before the sun and take him in. He was NOT thrilled at all about having to take his beloved Cars pajama's and having to put on his gown. THankfully, he finally got over it. It didn't take long for the Nurse, who was the wife of a good friend from High School, to give him his cocktail. That's when ultra-paranoia set in, on my part, of course, because he was in la la land. He was acting like he was hallucinating. His eyes would roll back and then he'd point and laugh at things that weren't there. I picked up the phone and called Jack (he was bringing Tre to school), and he told me that's how he reacts to that stuff. I guess that helped make me feel better, but not much.

When the doctor came in, William was awake but really relaxed. That was for the best because he only reached for me, but didn't cry. Thank GOD, because I was already an emotional wreck, which I didn't think would happen. I thought I was prepared.

I cried the same way when the doctor came in over an hour later to say everything went well. Relief.

Recovery has gone well. He acts like nothing even happened. He hasn't wanted any of his prescribed pain medicines. The doctor suggested a soft diet and then gradually adjust according to what he can handle and he's already back to an almost normal diet.

He has his follow-up appointment with the doctor this afternoon. I am anxious to hear what he says. I hope he can take his bandage off. That's the most irritating thing for him.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I'm going Beach

I just love this video! Tre LOVES the beach. The minute we left last year, Tre asked, "how many days till we go to the beach again?" We've counted down since then. Therefore, you can imagine how excited he was when the time finally arrived. He started singing this song and I was thrilled to catch it on video!!

one of the many reason we love Lafayette

Every Thursday night in the Spring and Fall our city has Rythym's on the River. It's in the River Ranch town square. There is a band. There is dancing. There is wine and beer and lots of people! I am always hesitant to take the kids with all the people, especially when Jack is out of town and I don't have his help. This time, though, Tre was cautious because of all the "stranger danger" he learns at Karate, and William always follows suit. We spent most of our time by the band, dancing. The kids ended up ON stage and had a blast! It was quite the workout for me. Dancing with a 4 and 2 year old in my arms is quite challenging!!

We got the house!

It's exciting to think that we bought house and we MIGHT live in it forever! Okay, FOREVER, might be a little overboard, but I really think we'll be in this house for longer than 2 years, which seems to be our track record!

We close on the 19th of November (supposedly) and I can hardly wait to get my hands on the house. I am hesitant to post pictures because it's REALLY dirty and desperately needs paint. The house is only 3 years old, but the owners didn't take very good care of it. Thankfully, the pool is beautiful and the bones of the house are great. It just needs some TLC and then it will be cute as can be!!!

I am the most excited about the school district. Tre will be going to the same Elementary/Middle school that I went to. The principal is still the same and some of the teachers are too. Grant, my nephew, goes there, so I am glad that Tre will, at least, know one familiar face. It's a public school, but a very good one. After teaching in a public school, I realized that going to Milton I went to a public school, with a private education experience!!! I think Tre will thrive there!!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

To buy or not to buy...

... that is the question.

Jack and I looked at a house today. It was very nice, WITH A POOL, but does need some work. We, or should I say "I", am hesitant because every time we buy, it only lasts 18 months before we move and then it turns into a humungous stress.

However, the housing market is a buyers market and this one might be too good to pass up. It's VERY spacious with 4 bed rooms and a very large bonus room. It has a pool and the price seems right. We just have to clean it up a bit and paint a lot.

I don't like to do anything without a third opinion (yes... Jack's opinion counts), so it'll be interesting to see what everyone thinks!

Friday, October 1, 2010


I just went back to look at all my pictures from the month of September and MAN has it been busy. It started with Jack coming home, and ended with my family celebrating the life of my Grandpa in Upstate New York. In between all of that, we were lucky enough to spend two weeks with my side of the family at the beach. We go every year, but this was the first year that Jack could come, so that was a blast!

I am posting a video of me and William going down the slide of a boat that we rented. William is on the way down right when the video starts, so don't blink! :)