William had his surgery on Friday and all went well. After reading all the risks, I barely slept the night before. I know there are always risks associated with surgery, but when you read them on paper they are much more real! Paraplegic, quadroplegic, death! AGH! Scary! Of course, I asked the doctor the chances of this happening and he said 1 and a million, but that is still too high of a chance for my baby boy. He said the biggest (more realilistic) risk had to do with his voice box, since they were going so close to it. Thankfully, all went well. He can still walk and talk :)
I had to wake him up before the sun and take him in. He was NOT thrilled at all about having to take his beloved Cars pajama's and having to put on his gown. THankfully, he finally got over it. It didn't take long for the Nurse, who was the wife of a good friend from High School, to give him his cocktail. That's when ultra-paranoia set in, on my part, of course, because he was in la la land. He was acting like he was hallucinating. His eyes would roll back and then he'd point and laugh at things that weren't there. I picked up the phone and called Jack (he was bringing Tre to school), and he told me that's how he reacts to that stuff. I guess that helped make me feel better, but not much.
When the doctor came in, William was awake but really relaxed. That was for the best because he only reached for me, but didn't cry. Thank GOD, because I was already an emotional wreck, which I didn't think would happen. I thought I was prepared.
I cried the same way when the doctor came in over an hour later to say everything went well. Relief.
Recovery has gone well. He acts like nothing even happened. He hasn't wanted any of his prescribed pain medicines. The doctor suggested a soft diet and then gradually adjust according to what he can handle and he's already back to an almost normal diet.
He has his follow-up appointment with the doctor this afternoon. I am anxious to hear what he says. I hope he can take his bandage off. That's the most irritating thing for him.