Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Day

Tre and William LOVED Santa Claus! Tre came into our room to wake us up and the first thing he said was, "MOM, DAD! You have to come see this! Santa didn't pass us up!!" I guess he was a little worried that he had been naughty! HAHA! He asked why we didn't get anything and Jack told him that we must not have been as good as he was! Then I overheard Tre tell my sister that Jack and I had been naughty, so we didn't get anything! :)

Unfortunately, Jack has been working tons and was supposed to have a long weekend for Christmas that we were really looking forward too, but then he got asked to go to NOLA to help out a fellow co-worker. Of course, as a newbie at work, you can't say no to those things, so he had to work up until Christmas Eve and leave first thing (4 am) the day after Christmas and miss my family's Christmas celebration.

Even more unfortunate, I got a terrible bug the day after Christmas and, even though I went to my family's Christmas get together, I never got off the couch. Thankfully, I had my family to help me with the kids. It's just another reminder of why I am so thankful to live near family. There is nothing worse than having to take care of two young kiddos alone when you are sick and can barely take care of yourself!

Jack is still working in NOLA, so we are taking a trip there today to spend the night with him. His job should be complete in the morning, so we are hoping to have a family day in NOLA and go to the zoo or aquarium.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Tre's Christmas Program

Tre was a Toy Soldier in his Christmas play and I can tell he had such a blast! The first thing he was worried about was where his brother was. He kept calling to me from the stage asking until he finally spotted William with his class. He said his one line very loud and sang most of the songs! He was such a cutie and I was very proud of him!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

We're transitioning to the Reserves

We've been so busy lately, I don't know what I've posted and what I haven't. I am not sure I've explained the whole Reserve situation, but we've been waiting word on whether Jack would be accepted into the program. His squadron selected him almost immedietely after he returned home from his deployment. However, come to find out, that was only the first step of another long process. I am not sure why that surprised us because the Navy seems to do everything slow. It turns out, after the squadron selects you, the "Big Navy" has to approve that decision. We got word last week that the board approved it, but then found out that it needed to be signed off by an even higher ranking position. We started to worry then, because this is the step similar to when his promotion got denied. It took nearly a week to find out that Jack was officially going to be able to transition to the Reserves. We were very happy since we can still have Tricare. We'll have to apply again next year if Jack isn't promoted (which we aren't expecting that he will be), but one year is better than none.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Last night was our first night in the house. It was great, other than the fact that Jack wasn't even here to enjoy it. Although, I'm secretly happy he wasn't ;-) He's been talking about wanting to use the hot tub on our first night here, but it's too freaking cold outside for me. As I lay in my bed all warm and cozy, I thought about how happy I was that my upper body wasn't freezing my ass off :)

The boys did great. Tre was super excited and woke up chipper this morning, which if you know him, you know that doesn't happen often! William was a little more scared and I don't think he officially went to sleep until after around 12:30. He keeps asking to go home and I am trying to explain that this is our new home. He wants to go back to the apartment. Mommy doesn't :)

I think we are really going to like the neighborhood. We have neighbors right across the street with a 2 year old boy. Yesterday we were playing outside and a little boy came over and he is only 10 days older than Tre. They played very nicely together and it brought me joy to know that our new home has a very family friendly neighborhood!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

William's a Hoot!

William cracks us up! Although he can be kinda aggravating sometimes! Every night the boys go to sleep, 9 times out of 10, Tre goes right to sleep. Not William. He thinks of every reason to stall. He'll come out first and say he forgot to give Jack and I a bigger hug and kiss. Then he'll come out and say he needs to pee and grunt until one drop comes out! Then, after about 10 minutes, when we are totally convinced he's probably fallen asleep, he'll come out and say he had a booger in his nose and needs us to take it. Who does that?

After this routine happens a couple of times, he go to sleep. Then around 4am, he'll try it over again!