Friday, August 19, 2011

Tre's First Day of Kindergarten!

It started a little rough. He's been dreading going, but in the last few days, he's seemed more open to the idea. This morning, however, he definitely was not! First he refused to get out of bed and we I finally got that to happen, then he refused to get in his uniform.

I finally got him dressed and then we had a knock on the door. Grant and Mouse (my sister Marcy) came to see him off. The minute he saw Grant he perked up. I think it helped to see that Grant had the same uniform on and it certainly comforted him that he will be going to the same school.

He seemed nervous when we arrived, but was brave. My mom, Allison, and Becky came to greet him at school. He didn't say much but he did whisper to me, "This school is WAY bigger than Fishers!" I think he was overwhelmed with all the kids and busses.

When we got to his classroom he seemed to relax a bit. The first thing his teacher said was that they were going to talk about their mommies and daddies. She said that she found Tre's daddy has a really cool job and Tre yelled out that he flies F-18's. I think that was enough to win him over! HAHA! I almost cried right then because it's so sweet how much he idolizes Jack, but I didn't.

I'm so proud of our guy, but so sad that he's growing so fast!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Tre starts kindergarten in 9 days! AHH! He's all ready... uniforms bought and shortened and school supplies bought. We don't know his teacher yet, but from what I hear they are all good. One of them is my childhood friend and neighbor and I'm kinda crossing my fingers he gets her.

I didn't think I'd cry, but then one of my friends posted a picture on FB of her child's first day. I got teary just looking at him and I only met him once! Unfortunately, Jack is going to be out of town that day, but my mom is going to come with us and be the picture taker.

Tre's not ready. He says he doesn't want to nap. I keep telling him that he can just lay there and not sleep and that nap time isn't very long. I reassured him that I'd pack his lunch and put all his favorites in there.

I'm most nervous about him going ALL day. He's only gone to school for 3 hours in the past! This school day will be 7. I know he'll be fine, but still. He's such a shy child (to strangers) and not overly social. I just hope he has a good experience and makes some friends!

Kindergartners don't go when everyone else starts. School starts Monday, THursday the girl kindergartners go and Friday the boys go. Next Monday they all go.

I'll be so anxious to hear how is first day goes!!!