Saturday, September 24, 2011

William's FIRST Soccer Practice

Well, William started Soccer today. At home, he was VERY excited! He could hardly wait. Then we got there and he wanted nothing to do with it! Go figure!

After a little bribery with his Powerade, I got him going and he did GREAT! I think he really liked it, but I also think he will be happier when it isn't so hot!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Reno crash

I'm totally freaked! Jack was at the Reno Air Races this afternoon having fun until a plane crashed right into the VIP Box seats he was sitting in. He dove away from the grandstand and thankfully, is safe. He said he saw more than he ever wanted to see and was hit with some debris. He seems shaken but okay. After this and a jet crash in his squadron (pilot safely ejected and aircraft destroyed), I'm totally freaked! I always appreciate my favorite guy and wonderful kids, but these things hit too close to home for me!

On a side note, we said an extra prayer for our awesome daddy tonight and Tre said, "what about my awesome mommy!" He's the sweetest!