Thursday, December 20, 2012

William's Christmas play

Sorry for the lady's head in front of me, but this is the best I could do!  William was so proud of his play and he did such a great job!  He's growing too fast!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Riding bikes

William can totally ride his bike without training wheels!  He just needs to get the confidence.  I tried to teach him when I was pregnant, but sprinting up and down the street nearly killed me, so I decided to wait until I wasn't pregnant anymore.  The other day, he asked to try again and since I was still recovering from giving birth, Jack went out to help!  I think he did an awesome job for only his second time trying!  I think with only a little more practice, he will get it!
Our beautiful baby girl is one week old today!  I can't believe it's already been a week! She is such a precious angel and we love her to bits!  So far her personality is so easy going and relaxed! I hope it stays that way because we are enjoying everything about her instead of stressing over "what could be wrong!"  She is breastfeeding like a champ and I have to wake her up to feed at night.  SHe goes right back down!  She very rarely cries!  She puts up with her brother poking and prodding like she doesn't care and just sits there!  We are so so so so blessed.  I had to convince Jack to have a third child and now he says, "what was I thinking!  She is AWESOME!"... and she totally is.

Her doc appointment went well yesterday.  She isn't back to her birth weight yet (she was 7.2 and now she's 6.12) so we go for another weight check next week.  She was 19.75, so it seems she got shorter, but the doctor said it was just a different method of measurement.  Otherwise, her coloring is perfect and everything looked great.

Momma is feeling good.  I'm tired, but really can't complain since she only feeds twice in the night and it is fairly quick.  I've been trying to sneak in some cat naps during the day, but with two other sweet boys to take care of, there is no rest for the weary!  I'm very happy not to be pregnant anymore and to fit into my normal clothes.  I still have a few pounds to lose, but not anything that is too overwhelming, so that is good!

Life is good!  I'm just praying colic or reflux doesn't hit us!  They say that can start around 3 weeks!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Becca Jean is here!

Well, Rebecca Jean Stewart arrived today at exactly 2 AM on 12/12/12.  We came in for an induction and started cervadil, which was just supposed to prepare my cervix for labor.  Instead, it started labor and it really progressed fast!  I was 10 cm before I knew it and didn't have time to get my epidural or even for my doctor to get to the hospital in time.  The nurses delivered!  It was quite chaotic and painful!  

I wouldn't choose a drug free birth any day, but on the bright side, I got to shower right away and recovery seems to be better.  She is absolutely precious and the boys are just totally in love!!!!!!!