Monday, August 31, 2009


Lately, it's been really hard bring both kiddos to the store. Tre has to walk because I don't have enough room in the cart for food if he is in there. He's pretty good about following. William sits in the front of the cart, but the older he gets, the more he hates it. He wants to run around like his brother, but he doesn't actually follow...or listen, for that matter. I told Jack this morning that I was going to wait for him to get home to go, so that I could keep my sanity.

However, the over achiever in me decided to brave it alone and go with the kids. It really wasn't bad. Tre followed and William didn't complain TOO TOO much! Then we came to the checkout. It drives me NUTS that Walmart has about 50 lanes and only opens about 3, two of those are 20 items are less. It doesn't leave much room for choices.

Luckily, or so I thought, I got in the only lane that I could choose from and was the second one in line. However, the lady in front of me had about 50 coupons and even more newspaper clippings of ads whose store had cheaper items. All was fine until they got to the darn green peppers and couldn't figure out how to override them! I literally, without exaggeration, waited in line for 45 minutes. By this time, William was screaming and squirming and Tre's behavior was nothing to brag about either. I couldn't blame them, I was ticked too!

They finally opened another lane, so I loaded my groceries back on the cart and went to that lane, only to run into more coupon confusion with the lady in front of me! I should have gotten my groceries for free after all that mess! My ice cream was melted!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Every day brings something new...

So every time Jack gets home from work I ask, "what happened today?" fully expecting something dramatic. Or when he calls I say, "OH NO! What now!?" and that's because for the last year and a half (what feels like forever) our Navy career has been on a pendulum. Sometimes it seems promising and other times it seems over. This week was an extreme case. Monday Jack received orders that we were being "honorably discharged" which was more than just a shock! Tuesday, he received a call saying it was a "computer error" and instead of having one year left, we have two...maybe even three. This still amazes me. It's like telling someone in the civilian world that they're fired and then the next day saying, "OOPS! We didn't mean that!" Crazy. Wednesday we found out that Jack might be going to Top Gun and by Friday we had cancellation orders to ensure that we aren't leaving in January and new ones to Top Gun!! Seriously?

I am thrilled for Jack though! This has been a goal of his for a while and even if we are out in 2 years, at least he's gotten everything out of it that he's ever dreamed of! It will be a challenge to my mommy hood. He is going to be gone for 6 weeks straight (which is the longest I've gone as a "single" mom) and will be gone most days leading up to that too!

Nothing much else to report. I am going to Lafayette tomorrow for one of my best friends wedding showers. Jack can't come because he has duty. Blah!!! I hate when he can't come to things. Sometimes I wonder if my Lafayette friends really believe I am married! It will be fun, though, so I can't complain. I am coming back early on Sunday to go to my best friend Frankie's house. She is pregnant and had an ultra sound on Tuesday. The Tech put the sex of the baby in an envelope and she is having a get together to open it for the first time. It will be exciting.

The kids have been good. I still need to find my camera cord to show cute videos and stuff. Ah's been a stressful week. Maybe I can make it to Best Buy to buy another one next week.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

flip flopping

So as most of you know stuff in the military changes like the time changes on the clock!

Jack got a call this morning from someone at Buppers and he told him that his orders were a mistake and that he now has at least 2 more years. He explained that he converted to full time reserves (FTS), but the paper work hadn't gone through so he was on the active duty board when his name went up for promotion. Therefore, now that we are now officially FTS those are null and void and we get two more looks, which means two more years. He even said that FTS sometimes even gives 3 looks so now we might even be in for 3 more years.

We are not sure how we feel about this. We are sick of being jerked around and we have no hope of being selected for LCDR, so we know getting out is only inevitable. However, I have to admit that my first reaction was relief. I feel better knowing that we aren't in such a hurry to move and sell this house! This will give time to get the market better. I told Jack that if we got called back for a job like yesterday so quickly, surely they will have something like that in a few more years too. I think he is a little disappointed, but I do think I saw some relief on his face too.

The guy on the phone said that FTS boards are different than active boards and tried to give us some hope that a promotion might happen. We are not going into the next few years with optimisim. We are just buying our time and enjoying a paycheck!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Getting out of the Navy

So, after a week's vacation, Jack walked into work to find separation orders on his desk. We knew we were getting out but were told (over and over again after checking and double checking) that our time to separate from the Navy was going to be January 2011. I guess the left hand hasn't talked to the right hand and it is was all a communication error. We are triple checking now to make sure this is accurate, but for now, we are on our own the first of the year.

The funny thing is that Jack got the paper, called Buppers to get the scoop, left a message and then hung up the phone, only to have it ring immediately. He's been applying for jobs in anticipation for this and it was a guy from General Dynamics who was VERY enthusiastic about his resume. This job would be perfect for Jack because it would be in DC working for the Navy staff determining training requirements for operational squadrons, so he'll still be involved with the Navy and still be involved with the aviation aspect, just not in the military. We might do the reserves though.

He doesn't have the job yet, but it seems promising. Even if we don't get it, it was just the perfect timing for the guy to call. It gave us hope that we might not be jobless in January.

Pray for our little family in a time of the unknown.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Family vacation and No Pacie Zones!

Well, I was going to download some video of William singing, "Life is a highway, I want to ride it all night long," from the movie cars, but I can't find my downloading chord! I am so ticked. I really don't think I left it because I remember specifically making sure I didn't forget it. I thought I put it in my purse, but I obviously didn't. O'well. It was a cute video.

I just got back from my week long vacation. I drove with the boys up to Gulf Shores to meet Jack after he finished with his bachelor party weekend. We had our first little family vacation (meaning just us, no one else) and we really enjoyed it. William was scared of the beach, but Tre loved it, and William loved the pool and Tre is a little scared of it! Go Figure. I really think that William might swim before Tre. He is such a dare devil and is already showing signs of wanting to learn. He would jump to us and kick and hold his breath until we scooped him up! Sometimes we even waited a few seconds just to see how he'd do. Tre, on the other hand, is VERY content to stay on the steps and just play there. If you ask him to jump he'll only do it if you grab his hands first. O'well. He'll learn.

After 4 days, Jack took the kids home and I met my sister and long time friend for my first girls trip. It was sooooooo awesome to sleep in in the morning, and just lay on the beach and read a book. We went shopping all day long one day and just ate in and drank wine the rest of the time. It was soo very relaxing. I almost felt a little guilty for truly enjoying myself and not wishing to be back home with my kids. Almost!

I was very excited about seeing all three of my guys today. They were excited to see me too! I think Jack was the most excited! This was his first 4 day stretch with having the kids alone. I think it was his first stretch of over 24 hours! He vowed not to complain at all or let on that he was tired or frustrated because he thought I deserved to just relax and enjoy myself. I didn't know if that was possible because, I must admit, I struggle with doing that when he is gone. Being a single parent is HARD! He surprised me though, and didn't give me one negative report! I am so proud of them all for surviving AND keeping the house clean!

I made a promise to myself that when we got back William was going to get rid of his pacie. To be honest, I made this promise to myself that at 12 months I would do it. I chickened out, though, and blamed teething for it. A long time ago, the dentist told me 18 months, so that was my new goal. William turned 18 months yesterday, so tonight's the night. When we took Tre's (at about 2.5 years) he cried for well over an hour, so we expected that again! To our surprise, William wined a bit and then started chatting and singing with Tre. After about 15 minutes, I looked at Jack and asked if he'd realized it was quiet. We didn't even have to go through the torture of the crying. I am AMAZED! I even had to go in there to see if he had one in his mouth because I couldn't believe it. I thought for sure Tre had found one on the floor or dresser and snuck it to him! Hopefully, tomorrow goes as well as tonight!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Is this daddy?

Tre cracked us up tonight. He was reading a book with Jack and he pointed to this character and said, "Is that you daddy?" We just couldn't help but laugh at the man he pointed to!

I guess it's funny because the man is bald and WHITE just like Jack!

Oh! Then I asked him to find me and he pointed to Jasmine from Alladin! Jack said, "of course, he picks a beauty," but I pointed out there wasn't one ugly girl in that disney book. So Jack found a page with a stout woman and asked where I was again, and I was Cinderalla. Jack asked where he was in that picture and he pointed to the stout woman (there was a man on the page to choose from too) and then said, "no, wait! there you are!" It was a donkey! HAHAHAHAHA!

Day 1 at the Beach

Friday, August 14, 2009

I went to Frankie and Roger's for dinner tonight since Jack is out of town. The kids played sooo well together and it was really enjoyable. Here is a video of them kissing each other. You can also get a glimpse of what they did for the last 30 minutes that we were around the room over and over again. Hopefully, that tired them out really good and they sleep in tomorrow morning!

Success in Motherhood!

I did it! Well, kinda! The kids went to the dentist today and the dentist said they're teeth are very strong and very healthy. I don't know why, but I just felt so good as a mommy! I am taking good care of thier teeth.

I guess it made me feel so good because my first experience with bringing Tre to the dentist was terrible. The dentist said his teeth showed signs of "significant damage" and if I wasn't more careful they would all be rotten and black in no time. I left crying. I had brushed his teeth twice a day every day and only given him a little bit of juice (that was diluted with water). I felt like a failure. It didn't help that Tre nearly had a nervous breakdown at the place. I started asking around and then found out terrible things about this place and I switched.

We went to this new dentist about a 6 months ago and she was fabulous and Tre didn't shed a tear and William did well too. Today was no differnt. Both of the boys did well. Tre sat in the chair like a big boy and listened very well. William cried, but it wasn't terrible and he actually enjoyed the flouride. The dentist said to keep doing what we are doing because their teeth are in great condition! YAY!

We went to the Children's Museum after and now I am hoping they take a nap. Wish me luck!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Oh so ready!

I am OOOOHHH so ready for vacation, and I think Tre is too. Jack left for a weekend trip to the beach today for Cory's, one of my closest friends, bachelor party. I am super jealous that he has the weekend minus kids and fun in the sun with friends. Tre is too. When he was driving out of the driveway, Tre was yelling, "I WANT TO GO TO BEACH TOO!" over and over again. We are meeting him there Sunday to Tre's getting his wish. I'm getting mine too. My friend Ashley, my long time childhood friend, is coming up Thursday and I am going to stay with her and Jack is bringing the kiddos home with him. We are both getting beach weekends without the kids.

I can't wait! i have spent one whole night away from the kids since they've been born (minus the trip to Key West when Jack was on his death bed from an appendix that had been ruptured for a week before ever going to the hospital). Jack has had the kids overnight only one night. Lucky guy! This will be his first long weekend without my help and I can't say I am sad about that! I desperately need the break and some rejuvanation.

Tre hasn't been napping lately and I can't figure out why. We are always doing something in the morning and I keep them very busy. I would think he would be exhausted. I usually don't mind that much because he stays in his room and doesn't bother William, but that was not the case today. He kept William awake the whole time. ARG! The night was not fun and I put both kids to bed at 6:30. Thankfully, they both went straight to sleep.

I am bringing them both for a dentist appointment tomorrow and then the children's museum. Here's to hoping for a nap!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The One Millionth Reason We Should NOT Get a Dog!

So, Jack and I were working outside during nap time and after an hour of sweating our a**es off when we heard screaming crying! I ran upstairs to an open door to the kids room, so I thought William was crying because Tre came out to play and didn't close the door behind him. That happens a lot. Tre wakes up earlier than William, comes out, forgets to close the door again and William gets upset because he likes the door closed.

Anyway, that is NOT what happened. I go in the room to find William screaming, diaperless and covered in POOP! The stinker had taken his diaper off, pooped, and smeared it EVERYWHERE! It was on the floor, it was smeared on the slats of the crib, it was smeared all over the bumper pad and clumps were on his sheets. He even had it all over him. I quickly screamed for Jack's help. Jack started working on the room and I bathed William.

When I came back in to help Jack, I couldn't stand it! Does that make me a terrible mother. I kept gagging and just couldn't handle it! AND THAT, my friends, is yet another reason the Stewart family could never have a dog. I can't even pick up my own child's poop much less a dogs!

Monday, August 10, 2009

It's a MIRACLE!!!

I had to take a video to prove it! Tre has finally grown out of his haircut tantrums. He was actually excited about going this time, sat there like a big boy and listened! I was sooo happy. Then it was William's turn and I think he watched his brother because he sat on the booster too, and although he wasn't nearly as comfortable as Tre was and wanted me right there next to him, he still didn't cry and almost giggled at the clipper part. I am sooo happy to have moved on from the haircut tantrum stage. They look so cute with a fresh haircut and now I don't have to dread bringing them!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tantrums and Greed!

I'm in Lafayette visiting my family since Jack is out of town. Sometimes it's seems easier to come here because I am in a house with other adults to interact with and have a little extra help, but sometimes not. My mom and dad's house is super nice so I constantly have to watch the kids to make sure they don't ruin things and they always seem to be a bigger handful...more fussy and less sleepy. It seems that Lafayette really doesn't have that many things to offer kids.

Yesterday, my sweet little Tre was not so sweet. We ran some errands and had to buy a birthday present at Toys R Us and I told him before we even entered the store that we were going for a birthday present and not a toy for him. He said he understood! He lied! :) He had a fit when we walked out. I still had one more errand to run and he cried leaving Toys R Us, in the car to Old Navy, IN Old Navy, all the way home and then some. What do you do when your kid has a tantrum in public like that? I choose to continue what I am doing, ignore him and then when we get to a place of isolation I let him know how I feel about his behavior...and not in a nice voice either. Sometimes, like yesterday, he even gets a spank (sorry for all you non-spanking believers). What do you do? Your way might work better than mine because it didn't stop there!

Naptime came and he refused to nap. We've been battling this off and on for a while and I really don't care if he doesn't nap if it doesn't affect his mood. Yesterday, this was not the case. When William woke up, we went with my mom to the store so she could get the boys some new PJ's. Tre, again, threw a fit when he saw the toy section and realized he wasn't going to get one. I don't know what his problem was yesterday. He normally is VERY good about going to stores and not expecting things. My mom picked out some pjs and he made some nasty remark about not wanting them. He again proceeded to have another fit so we checked out and left. Mom went to Target and I brought the kids home.

I let Tre know how disappointed I was and he really was sorry. He was saying over and over again how sorry he was. I even made him call Jack to tell him what he did and that made him really get upset. I was happy to know that he cared about how we felt. At least I know he has a conscience. It was funny, too, because as soon as Bebe got home from Target, Tre all the sudden LOVED his PJ's.

On a different note, my mom lost her cell phone today. She accidentally left it at the car wash. She went back to look and it was gone. She was sooo upset. I called her phone over and over again and no one would pick up. I texted it offering a reward and lo and behold we got a reply IMMEDIATLY! My mom went to meet her and got the phone, so all ended well. I am just amazed, however, that this woman was probably going to steal it since she never responded to our calls or texts until she knew a reward was coming. Mom said when she met her, she was all about the money. Go figure! I would have just dropped the phone off at the car wash office! I guess some people just aren't as nice as I am!