Thursday, February 26, 2015

Deployment number… I forgot how many!

Is it sad that I don't even know how many deployments Jack and I have been through?  I think it's 5, but do you count the half of one he did that was 3 months or so?  Air force counts a deployment as 3 months, but Jack doesn't count that one, so I don't know.

Anyway, Jack has volunteered for a deployment to Germany that starts in May… well, the training starts in May.  He leaves for Germany later June.  He volunteered because there was an IA hanging over the squadrons head and the skipper was going to make his selection on who was gonna go until it actually arrived and then if he was chosen, he'd have no choice in the matter.  It would most likely be on the ground in a war zone.  We decided to take control over our fate and volunteer for something much less dangerous and maybe even quite enjoyable.  The kids and I plan to go visit for the summer for a few weeks or a month or whatever we decide.  It will be a great experience for them.

I, obviously, have some anxiety about 9 months of doing it all on my own over here, but thankfully we didn't decide to move and I have my family here to help, so it could be worse!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

We made our first trip to the ER

Well, after nearly 9 years of having children, we finally had to make our first trip to the ER.  UGH!  It was not fun.

I have a cold and Becca managed to get into my mucinex.  When I found her she had an empty bottle of mucinex all over her and the counter and I'm not sure how much she ingested.  It was a full bottle.  I called poison control and since I couldn't say how much she had, they had me go to the ER.  Of course,  Jack was not home.  I frantically got the boys out of the tub and we rushed to the hospital.  No blankets, no diapers, no phone charger for my dead phone.  Totally unprepared.

Thankfully, we didn't have to wait at all and they pulled us right back.  Unfortunately, Becca had to have a whole cup of liquid charcoal and 4 hours of observation after that before we could leave.  She spit out the charcoal immediately and I thought, "oh man!  This is gonna be hard!"  They took the drink back and loaded it with TONS of chocolate syrup.  That did the trick but after a bit of the drink she realized the trick and just wouldn't drink anymore.  I gave up.  They never said anything so thank goodness I didn't have to force that drink down her throat.  She's pretty set in her ways, so I have a feeling that wouldn't have gone well at all.

We got home at 12:30am and I didn't sleep until all the cleaning supplies and meds were far, far, far out of her reach.  I'm very much looking forward to her being a bit more mature to understand the dangers of some things in this house!