Thursday, December 20, 2012

William's Christmas play

Sorry for the lady's head in front of me, but this is the best I could do!  William was so proud of his play and he did such a great job!  He's growing too fast!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Riding bikes

William can totally ride his bike without training wheels!  He just needs to get the confidence.  I tried to teach him when I was pregnant, but sprinting up and down the street nearly killed me, so I decided to wait until I wasn't pregnant anymore.  The other day, he asked to try again and since I was still recovering from giving birth, Jack went out to help!  I think he did an awesome job for only his second time trying!  I think with only a little more practice, he will get it!
Our beautiful baby girl is one week old today!  I can't believe it's already been a week! She is such a precious angel and we love her to bits!  So far her personality is so easy going and relaxed! I hope it stays that way because we are enjoying everything about her instead of stressing over "what could be wrong!"  She is breastfeeding like a champ and I have to wake her up to feed at night.  SHe goes right back down!  She very rarely cries!  She puts up with her brother poking and prodding like she doesn't care and just sits there!  We are so so so so blessed.  I had to convince Jack to have a third child and now he says, "what was I thinking!  She is AWESOME!"... and she totally is.

Her doc appointment went well yesterday.  She isn't back to her birth weight yet (she was 7.2 and now she's 6.12) so we go for another weight check next week.  She was 19.75, so it seems she got shorter, but the doctor said it was just a different method of measurement.  Otherwise, her coloring is perfect and everything looked great.

Momma is feeling good.  I'm tired, but really can't complain since she only feeds twice in the night and it is fairly quick.  I've been trying to sneak in some cat naps during the day, but with two other sweet boys to take care of, there is no rest for the weary!  I'm very happy not to be pregnant anymore and to fit into my normal clothes.  I still have a few pounds to lose, but not anything that is too overwhelming, so that is good!

Life is good!  I'm just praying colic or reflux doesn't hit us!  They say that can start around 3 weeks!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Becca Jean is here!

Well, Rebecca Jean Stewart arrived today at exactly 2 AM on 12/12/12.  We came in for an induction and started cervadil, which was just supposed to prepare my cervix for labor.  Instead, it started labor and it really progressed fast!  I was 10 cm before I knew it and didn't have time to get my epidural or even for my doctor to get to the hospital in time.  The nurses delivered!  It was quite chaotic and painful!  

I wouldn't choose a drug free birth any day, but on the bright side, I got to shower right away and recovery seems to be better.  She is absolutely precious and the boys are just totally in love!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


The title of this post was the title of Jack's email this morning.  For all non-military folks, IA is the LAST thing you want to hear!  An IA is an Individual Augment that deploys one person out of the squadron to go do an Army job on the ground in the war zone.  If no one volunteers for an assignment, you get chosen.

Jack got selected and went on an IA 2 years ago.  It's crappy!  When he got back, we got out of active duty and joined the reserves.  Fortunately, in the reserves, you are ineligible for an IA.  Unfortunately, now that has changed and reservists are the ones that are chosen!  BOO!  His squadron has to submit 2 names this month.  Thankfully, if you've been on an IA in the last 5 years, you are ineligible!  I never thought I'd be so thankful Jack went on an IA before!  HAHAHA!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

William's thoughts on marriage...

William is the funniest thing. Lately, he's been asking me and Jack why we married each other.  Today, after I told him why I married his daddy, this is how the conversation went:

Me:  When you get married, do you know what you should look for in a girl!?

William:  No.

Me.  You should marry someone that you think is pretty because you have to look at them everyday.  But more importantly, you should marry someone that is nice to you!

William: Carmen (the girl he talks about at school all the time) is very nice to me!

Me:  And she should be smart.

William: Carmen is smart.

Jack: And she should love God.

William thought for a second.

Then Jack whispered: And have a smoking bod!

William: Carmen doesn't have a smoking bod, but she is nice!

HAHAHAHAHAH!  I thought that was the funniest thing!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Church funny

We've been trying to be better about going to church and have been going for a few weeks in a row now.  Last week, Tre did something funny and I wanted to document it, but forgot.  Better late than never I guess.  Anyway, at Sunday school they gave each of the kids small notebooks.  When they came back into church, Tre wrote in his to entertain himself during communion.  This is what he wrote:

Jesus is in my heart. (It was very sweet, but I do have to say that was on the cover of the notebook.)
I love God.  (That part he wrote on his own.)

Then he asked Jack what else he should write.  Jack said to write how he felt.  His last sentence said.

I need to pepe!

We laughed and laughed.  It was such a sweet note and his ending just took the cake.  I need to take a picture of it and post it, but I can't find the notebook.  I'm sure it will turn up!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

bedtime funny...

We were tucking the boys in bed when Jack whispered in William's ear, "When you grow up, you are going to be an amazing man!"  William whispered right back in Jack's ear, "When you grow up, you are going to be a good daddy!"

Then Jack whispered the same thing in Tre's ear, "When you grow up, you are going to be an amazing man."  Tre whispered back, "When I get Batman 2 (a video game), I'm gonna buy Shazam first!"  HAHAHAHAHAHHA!

That story perfectly describes both kids personalities!  I wouldn't change a thing about either of them!  Love them so much!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It's a girl!

I'm still getting over the shock!  We had the US tech do a scan and then the doctor came to scan (we went to a specialist because my nephew has a rare syndrome) and I made both of them double check!  It's definitely a girl and I just can't believe it!

The boys both wanted a sister so bad.  They both said that they already had a brother and now wanted a sister.  We had a gender reveal party with close friends and family and we had everyone where pink or blue for what they thought the baby was.  The boys HATE wearing their pink polos, but on this day, they couldn't wait to put them on!  I was shocked with how they embraced all the pink goodies that fell from the pinata too!

The next morning, I went into the boys room and the first thing Tre said was, "MOM!  I didn't sleep at all last night because I couldn't stop thinking about having a sister!  I just can't wait for her to get here!" I mean, seriously!  Is that not the sweetest thing ever!  Tre gets a bad rap for not being a kisser and hugger, but that kid sure does LOVE HARD and I LOVE HIM HARD right back!

We have been so truly blessed!  I tell Jack every day that I am living my perfect life and I thank him for it!  I truly have the best husband and kids a woman could ever want... and I'm not just saying that.  I truly mean it!

Monday, July 30, 2012


We arrived at the beach today and right when we got here a MAJOR thunderstorm hit!  Thankfully, it passed and we got to take the kids out this evening for a bit!  After a while Jack asked Tre if he wanted to go inside to eat dinner and then go get dessert.  You KNOW Tre was having an absolute blast because he said, "NOOOO! I'm having too much fun!"  Tre NEVER turns down dessert... I guess unless he's at the beach!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pregnancy dates!

I just wanted to write down the important dates so far so that when I start making the baby book I don't forget.

April 14 - find out we are pregnant.  Frankie and I were in Birmingham to visit a friend and we decided to take the test in the hotel room before the crawfish boil.  I was about 4 days late.  The line was faint, but it was a cheap test.  I wasn't totally convinced yet.  I took a test for the next 3 days and they got darker.

17 weeks (July 11 - July 18) - I started to feel flutters but wasn't totally convinced that's what they were so I kept quiet about them.

18 weeks and a few days (July 18 - July 20) - I was positive I felt movement!  July 20 Jack got to feel the baby for the first time!  :)  I also started to notice my belly a little more.  Not "showing" but looking "fatter."

21 weeks (August 6) - We hope to find out the sex of the baby!

Monday, July 16, 2012


I guess it's time for a Stewart Family update.

I'll be 18 weeks prego on Wednesday and shockingly, I feel good!  Compared to my last two pregnancies, I feel like a million bucks! Thank GOD!!!!!  I think I started feeling flutters this week, so that's exciting.  The boys are super excited, and surprisingly are hoping for a girl.  Both say they already have a brother!

Jack and my 8 year anniversary is tomorrow and we are going out tonight to celebrate.  It certainly doesn't feel like 8 years.  We watched our wedding video last night and that was fun! :)

We've been waiting to hear about Jack's promotion in the navy, or lack there of, so that we can move on with our lives.  We expected to be passed over again and get out at the end of the year.  Jack was mentally ready.  Of course, the Navy always throws curve balls and the list came out.  Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, Jack was not on it.  However, we found out today that he WAS actually selected but was held for further review (because of the incident in 2002).  Now, instead of moving on, we are in limbo for the next who knows how many months.  It will be interesting to see how it all plays out, but I am sure this is just another way to string us along only to not promote him again.  Either way, we are prepared.  I am passed the crying about it and Jack is happy with his civilian career so we can handle whatever situation comes from this.

Friday, May 18, 2012

PREGNANT with #3

So I announced it on FB, so I thought I should write a blog too!  Jack and I are expecting #3 on December 19th!  I'm 9 weeks 2 days and so far not feeling THAT bad.  With the boys, I couldn't keep anything down for weeks.  I didn't feel better until about week 24 with both.  This time, I've lost my lunch (or dinner) a few times, but NOTHING like my other pregnancies.  I am thankful, because caring for two boys with a husband out of town most of the time and not feeling good sounds like hell!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

We have the sweetest kids.  William gave me a flower he planted at school on Friday for Mother's day, but then said it was his and put it in his room.  HAHA!  Then, today it all made sense!  He went to his room and gave me my flower back!  He wanted to wait until Sunday for the "real" Mother's Day.  What a sweet boy!!!

Tre demanded that I do not open his book sack until today!  I asked if he got a sad face or something!!! ;) Today he brought me my gifts.  One was a flower pot with his hands as flowers and the other was a fill in the blank thing.  Here is what he wrote (the underline parts are the things he said):

My mother is the most wonderful mom in the whole world!  My mom is special because she gets me skylanders.  She is as pretty as a queen.  She weighs 75 pounds and she is  10 feet tall.  My mom is 52 or 53 years old.  

Her favorite food is oranges and meat.  My mom likes to mom and clean the house most of all.  She is smart!  She even knows how to read.  I think my mom looks funny when she makes funny faces.  

My mom can do many things.  I think she is best at teaching me sight words.  My mom has a pretty smile.  I like to make her smile by making funny faces.  I with my mom could build legos with me everyday.  I would not trade my mom for my bumblebee because I love her!


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Not feeling well!

I don't feel well tonight.  Of course, Jack is out of town.  I threw up and my sweet children showed me how sweet they were!  William came to rub my back and kissed me (on my back) and said "I love you, Mommy!"  Tre ran to get me a wash cloth!  I mean, seriously!  How sweet are they!  I love them!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tre got his CAMO BELT!

I am SO SO SO SO proud of Tre.  He earned his camo belt in Karate today.  He's been in the Little Gators class for two years now and has worked very hard for this belt!  It's the equivalent to a black belt, but "little gators" can't earn black belts.  He is so excited and proud of himself and I love seeing that in his little face.  He should be, though, and I am so proud of him too!  I hope to keep them both in karate for years to come.  We love Sensai and all the values this school teaches it's students!!!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tre went flying!

Jack's been telling the kids for the longest time, that when they are six, he will take them flying.  Tre couldn't wait for his birthday for many reasons, but this was certainly one of them!  William had a slight breakdown the morning of because he wanted to go so bad, but I was really proud of him.  He got over it quickly, and understands that when it's his turn, he too will get to go flying with daddy alone!

Tre was "really excited, but a little scared too!"  I kept my mouth shut because I admit, I was scared too!  Before kids, I'd go in those little planes with Jack and have no fear.  Now though? HECK NO!  I know one day I'll have to suck it up and go, but for now, I don't want our whole family in that small plane.  Silly?  Probably.  I'm sure I'll get over it some day!

Tre had such a blast though.  He got to see his school and his house.  They did a few touch and go's (landed and took off right away).  Jack said he counted every time they landed and that he thought the people on the radio talked too much.  He smile in the pictures says it all to me!  He had an absolute blast.

He's always said he wants to go to the Naval Academy like daddy and be a pilot and when they landed, he confirmed, Pilot it is!  He has such a cool daddy!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Tough Boys

I was so proud of William today at Karate.  Sensai put together an obstacle course that looked pretty fun!  When it was William's turn, though, he face planted and his feet went over his head and he almost ended up in a weird looking back bend.  I could tell it hurt.  Sensai told him to do it again and his little lip was quivering and William told him it hurt his nose really bad.  Sensai told him it was okay and urged him to keep going.  This was the point I thought he would lose it.... but, he didn't.  He got up, wiped his tears, and finished.  He wiped his tears throughout the whole course, so I knew he was silently crying.  It about broke my heart.  When he finished, Sensai told him to go get some water.  I went to meet him, but instead of going to get water, he nearly sprinted to his mamma!  Melted my heart that my baby boy still needs his mamma to feel better!  I carried him to the fountain and he squeezed my neck.  LOVE!  He told me that it really hurt and I inspected it and kissed it over and over again.  He wiped the last of his tears and got some water and went right back into karate.  I was so proud of him for staying tough and never wailing.  He handled the whole thing like such a big guy!  I love our boys so much!  They are just perfect little guys!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tre's birthday weekend!

My poor little Tre had trouble going to sleep tonight.  He came in our room in near tears saying that he wanted to go to Heaven when Jack and I went.  I assured him that is VERY far away and he said, "but even when you are old, I still want to go to Heaven with you!"  My love.  He worries so much.  He is the sweetest thing, but I hope he doesn't give himself ulcers some day!  We talked and called daddy.  I tucked him in again and told him to count and he never came out again.

He had his birthday party yesterday.  We gave him the option of having a "real" birthday party at a place and that would count as his present (birthday parties are so darn expensive these days), or to have one at home with family and we would get him a present.  He opted for the family birthday and I was secretly relieved!  He was so excited ALL week.  He would jump out of bed (which TOTALLY NEVER happens on school days) and say how many days till his party.  The day of the party, he woke me up with a huge grin!

We planned to swim, but it was too cold, so we turned on the hot tub, arranged a scavenger hunt, played wii bowling, etc.  One bonus is that Jack was flying in the air show in NOLA and wasn't supposed to come, but it got cancelled because of weather and he got to drive in and acted like he was the pizza man!  Tre was so excited!  After he opened his presents and had cake, he told me that this was his best birthday ever!  I was worried having a party at home would be a bummer for him, but he didn't care one bit!  He had a blast with his cousins!

I love that kid!  I can't believe he is going to be 6 on wednesday!!!  Boo hoo!  Time needs to slow down!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Married single mom!

This is totally our life! Thankfully, like this lady, I've adapted and gotten pretty used to it! I have to admit, too, that I do have a lot of pride that I can manage our family even when Jack's out of town and still have a good time doing it... most of the time!

Monday, January 30, 2012


So Tre is in a testing phase and it's been challenging, but funny at times.

The other day we were going to Becky's for stew and green beans. He got mad at us (can't remember why) and he said, "Oh yea!!!?!?! Well, I'm gonna eat all of your green beans! I'm gonna eat mommy's green beans, daddy's green beans, Bebe's green beans, Bepa's green beans, Nan's green beans, and Parrain's green beans! I'm gonna eat EVERYONES green beans!!!" HAHAHA! We couldn't help but laugh! That made him more mad! HA!

Then the other night he was super grumpy and telling me that he had a terrible life! I asked why and he said because we don't go to Chucky Cheese a lot and we hardly ever play with play-doh! Doesn't that sound miserable?

Anyway, I think he is trying to show some sense of control. I just hope this angry stage doesn't last long! I'm sure it won't!

Friday, January 13, 2012


Tre's almost been in karate for two years now and he loves it! He's the "leader" in the class since he has one of the highest belts. He takes that role seriously and LOVES to yell "SA - SA - KEEYAH!" as loud as he can. He tends to drag it out with a "SAAAAA-SAAAA-KEEEEEEYAAAAHHHH!" I told him the other day that he should still say it loud, but keep it short. His answer? "No mom! I need to sound powerful!" Well, okay then! That's good enough reason for me!

William is loving it too. Every morning he gets out of bed and asks if it's a karate day. If it isn't, he's somewhat slow to get dressed. If it is, he's up and at em and ready to get the day going! Yesterday, when we left karate, I told him that I loved how he sat like a leader in class. His reply? "A leader is bein' good and bediant!" I had to laugh! He's a quick learner!

I'm so happy we found this karate school! I know this will be a place we will send our boys for many many years!