Saturday, May 30, 2009

Now I have two kiddos obsessed with Cars. I put in on for the first time in a while and sure enough William and Tre both busted out in a dance. I went to get some video and, of course, the camera died. This is the second go round. Jack's been gone for over two weeks now and I am just done. I am exhausted and tired and ready for preschool to start up again.

Dear Lord, please do not let an IA or unexpected deployment sneak up on us anytime soon. I am just NOT ready! AMEN

Friday, May 22, 2009

Getting along

It's very rare that I can get the camera out in time to enjoy a sweet moment between the boys and I caught the end of this one. Tre was acting silly at dinner and William was getting a kick out of it. Oh! I forgot to mention in my previous post that William talking so well. His newest phrase is, "HELP ME!" but today he said, "up!" for the first time! He has the sweetest little voice!

staying busy

We're staying busy while Jack is gone. Thank God for good friends that keep me busy. We've been to the park, the zoo, the monkey room, the pool, and so on. I can't even remember now. The kids have been being good, so I can't complain. I still miss Jack though! I posted a slide show of everything we've been doing since Jack's been gone and a video of the kids splashing in the tub and having fun! Enjoy!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Not so Bad

So Jack has been gone for 3 days and I have to say it hasn't been too bad. William was super fussy on Friday, so I literally cried in dread. However, Saturday was a new day and William was much happier. It's amazing what a happy child will do to your outlook on being a single mom for a month. Plus, we have great friends who have kept us busy and I feel like we are in the zone now. Tre's last day of school was Friday, so I'll be doing lots of entertaining this summer. I have no problem with that, but I just need to figure out when I can clean this place. :)

Saturday, May 16, 2009


I've been working sooo hard on our's my hobby and relaxation time. I love it. Anyway, bugs have been eating my flowers and I've planted and replanted and sprayed over and over again and I think they are finally getting under control. The neighbors probably think I am crazy and have no talent in the planting deparment because of how much I have had to replant, but o'well. My hard work is finally paying off. There are serveral flowers that are starting to show in the pictures, but there are more that are too small to see in the picture (but can see in real life). Hopefully, these are my "in between" pictures and in a few months I can take the "as good as it gets" ones! I do think it is looking nice and I LOVE to drive in front of our house really slow to admire my work and all the colors!

I need to get in the zone!!!

Okay, so Jack JUST left yesterday and I am dying already. I am sooo not a good single mommy. I know it's all in the mind set, so I just need to switch my thinking. We were just outside playing in the baby pool and I was thinking, if I knew that Jack was getting home Monday, this wouldn't be that bad. Since I know he's not, though, I am driving myself down and asking myself, "how am I going to do this?", "How can I stay patient with the kids?", "Can I deal with a teething infant that fusses a lot all by myself for this long!" At the same time, I am just thankful that a deployment is not coming in the near future...although an IA is not unfathomable since 3 threats have graced the squadron in just the last month!

I have to confess, I always read the blogs and facebook updates and all that jazz from other military moms and it actually makes me feel worse about myself. They all seem so strong and so upbeat when their husbands are gone. I need and WANT so badly to be like that!

I guess I just need to stop feeling sorry for myself!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

There hasn't been going on in the last couple of days. I wanted to post this picture for Mrs. Laurie and Mr. John. Tre loves the Highlights that you send and makes us read it and do the activities over and over again! Thanks a bunch!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

We had such a great weekend...other than the fact that I dropped and, therefore, broke Jack's lap top. Anyway, I slept in both days and on Sunday woke up to flowers and cinamon rolls. Tre even made me a Mother's day present at school and I thought it was the sweetest thing. It was a tote bag with his hand print and it said, "I love Mom!" I love it!

When I brought him to school today there was a surprise in his cubby. His teachers had made a scrapbook for every child and it is the best keepsake ever! I can't wait to show it to all our visitors!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Fun Day in the Sun

Today was such a great day. We were out of milk this morning so we decided it was a good excuse to take the kids to IHOP. Of course, Tre didn't eat a think and William gobbled it all up. We came home and played in the pools, the kids took a nap later and I layed in the kiddie pool and read a magazine while Jack worked on the bathroom upstairs. After they woke up, we went back to playing in the pool while Jack made shish-ka-bob's. William said the word "Ball" for the first time and Tre very much enjoyed the bubbles and the sprinkler. Enjoy the videos!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Today's been quite the day. Tre had school and William and I enjoyed our morning. They had a good nap, so the day was looking like a success...until they woke up. William woke up with a horrible diaper rash and screamed for about 1.5 hours before I figured out why. It's funny how you can have a great day, but after that long of listening to crying and nothing you are doing is helping, it can be very wearing. To top off the afternoon, I was holding William in the chair trying to calm him and the computer was next to me. William was trying to get down and about to fall on his head so I jerked to make sure that didn't happen and in turn the computer fell to the ground and the screen busted. Just what we have to buy a new damn computer, especially after our plumbing bill, car bill, new vanity, etc. By the time Jack got home I was crying. Pathetic, huh? Sometimes I feel so guilty for complaining about my days when I am choosing this job. It didn't help that the computer was toast either and I felt terrible about it! Jack made me feel better though. He always does. He said that no matter what the job is, everyone has bad days. I think, too, I am sooo dreading him leaving for a month, that I am already stressing myself out about it. He is such a help around here. We usually take turns on the weekends with sleep in days, but Jack says that he is going to give me both days this weekend since he's going to be gone and able to have lots of decompression time. I thought that was nice! I am going to take full advantage of it too. I am not sure what we are doing for mother's day, but I know we will spend it together :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Last night we went to Tre's school for his "Art Show". They displayed a lot of the art and projects that Tre has done over the last few months and then served us spaghetti. It was theory! William has been going down for his morning naps, but then struggling to go down for his afternoon ones, so I decided that we were going to cut out the morning one. Well...we went to the Children's Museum and he really enjoyed that, but when we got home at noon he was rubbing his eyes and laying on the couch. I usually put them both to bed at 1 and they sleep till 3, but he couldn't wait. Then he woke up at 2 (I thought his nap would be longer since he missed his morning one), so by the time we went to the art show he was SPENT! He was a grouch! To top it off, while we were eating dinner in the dining hall Tre fell out of his chair and hit is head so hard that everyone heard the thump and the place got quiet. Poor kid. He cried so hard that he was silent crying for a minute. You know...the cry that is silent, but you know it's going to be followed by a huge scream. He stopped quickly though and was fine! He's tough!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

We have two cute videos tonight. One with William showing off his skills of coming down the stairs and the other with him watching Thomas and saying, "choo, choo!" Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

So I had my day in court today. I was so nervous that I made Jack come with me. HEY! I made a date out of it. Frankie and Roger babysat the kids so that we could go to dinner after. Jack kept picking on me the whole way there because he knew I was nervous. He was saying I might go to jail or have my license taken away. He said that I should just plead the fifth or say, "if the glove doesn't fit, you must equit," because it worked for OJ! He kept complaining about going, but after we left he said it was the best date ever and he was kinda serious. He thought peoples stories were funny. We got into a courtroom and I immediatly left because I got to take the option of signing up for driving school and pay the fine so that it doesn't go on my record or my insurance. Jack stayed in the courtroom though and got to listen to the stories while I was gone. He thoroughly enjoyed it! We went to Zia's after and that was super nice. I LOVE LOVE LOVE date nights! OH! I was fined $185.75 which was much better than I was thinking.

Monday, May 4, 2009

We went to Frankie and Roger's on Thursday, April 30, for a BBQ. They have two dogs and William is PETRIFIED of them. It's funny because Jack and I were talking about how both of our kids have such a mix of us. William has my dark skin, but Jack's blue eyes. He sweats like his daddy, but is scared of dogs like his mommy (I try to act brave for him, so I don't think he is feeding off of me). Tre, on the other hand, has fair skin like Jack, but brown eyes like me. He doesn't sweat and neither do I, but has always loved dogs like Jack. We took a couple of William screaming in fear at Frankie's dog and the other of Tre running from Maggie. Maggie wanted Tre's stick! We thought it was pretty funny!


William has the cutest little personality. Today the kids were watching TV as I was making lunch and the show was singing a song about inside and outside voices. William was dancing along and then all the sudden started saying "shhh!" with his finger on his mouth! I thought it was soo cute, so I got him to do it a few minutes later for the camera!

P.S. Now I just have to figure out how to add a video on here!

We Shall See How This Goes....

Sooo I've decided to write a blog, or try it anyway. We have lots of family and friends that live out of town and I think it would be nice for some of you to see what's going on in the Stewart household. With two young kiddos and life in the military stuff seems to change daily. Hopefully, I can keep this up and keep you updated on all our daily stories. Enjoy!