Monday, July 30, 2012


We arrived at the beach today and right when we got here a MAJOR thunderstorm hit!  Thankfully, it passed and we got to take the kids out this evening for a bit!  After a while Jack asked Tre if he wanted to go inside to eat dinner and then go get dessert.  You KNOW Tre was having an absolute blast because he said, "NOOOO! I'm having too much fun!"  Tre NEVER turns down dessert... I guess unless he's at the beach!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pregnancy dates!

I just wanted to write down the important dates so far so that when I start making the baby book I don't forget.

April 14 - find out we are pregnant.  Frankie and I were in Birmingham to visit a friend and we decided to take the test in the hotel room before the crawfish boil.  I was about 4 days late.  The line was faint, but it was a cheap test.  I wasn't totally convinced yet.  I took a test for the next 3 days and they got darker.

17 weeks (July 11 - July 18) - I started to feel flutters but wasn't totally convinced that's what they were so I kept quiet about them.

18 weeks and a few days (July 18 - July 20) - I was positive I felt movement!  July 20 Jack got to feel the baby for the first time!  :)  I also started to notice my belly a little more.  Not "showing" but looking "fatter."

21 weeks (August 6) - We hope to find out the sex of the baby!

Monday, July 16, 2012


I guess it's time for a Stewart Family update.

I'll be 18 weeks prego on Wednesday and shockingly, I feel good!  Compared to my last two pregnancies, I feel like a million bucks! Thank GOD!!!!!  I think I started feeling flutters this week, so that's exciting.  The boys are super excited, and surprisingly are hoping for a girl.  Both say they already have a brother!

Jack and my 8 year anniversary is tomorrow and we are going out tonight to celebrate.  It certainly doesn't feel like 8 years.  We watched our wedding video last night and that was fun! :)

We've been waiting to hear about Jack's promotion in the navy, or lack there of, so that we can move on with our lives.  We expected to be passed over again and get out at the end of the year.  Jack was mentally ready.  Of course, the Navy always throws curve balls and the list came out.  Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, Jack was not on it.  However, we found out today that he WAS actually selected but was held for further review (because of the incident in 2002).  Now, instead of moving on, we are in limbo for the next who knows how many months.  It will be interesting to see how it all plays out, but I am sure this is just another way to string us along only to not promote him again.  Either way, we are prepared.  I am passed the crying about it and Jack is happy with his civilian career so we can handle whatever situation comes from this.