Thursday, November 1, 2012


The title of this post was the title of Jack's email this morning.  For all non-military folks, IA is the LAST thing you want to hear!  An IA is an Individual Augment that deploys one person out of the squadron to go do an Army job on the ground in the war zone.  If no one volunteers for an assignment, you get chosen.

Jack got selected and went on an IA 2 years ago.  It's crappy!  When he got back, we got out of active duty and joined the reserves.  Fortunately, in the reserves, you are ineligible for an IA.  Unfortunately, now that has changed and reservists are the ones that are chosen!  BOO!  His squadron has to submit 2 names this month.  Thankfully, if you've been on an IA in the last 5 years, you are ineligible!  I never thought I'd be so thankful Jack went on an IA before!  HAHAHA!