Friday, November 19, 2010

New Beginnings

This week was Jack's first week in the "real world!" It's probably not a GREAT sign that his first day on the job was in Florida, because that probably means he won't be home much. However, we remind ourselves that he could still be in Afghanistan or we could be jobless, so we'll totally and thoroughly appreciate this job especially since it's near some family and friends. I have a GREAT support system for when Jack is gone.

This job seems to have endless opportunities for Jack, so that is something we are really looking forward to exploring. He really enjoyed his first week on the job too, so that is a relief. He was worried, especially since he's been a pilot his whole career, that he would be in over his head and not really know what was going on! However, it was not that way and he felt like he contributed to the cause. He did say it felt very strange to be on a military base in civilian clothes and a hard hat as a contractor! I would imagine so!

We close on our new house today and will spend the weekend trying to paint the outside and spruce up the landscaping. We'll take lots of befores and afters, so we can share the progress with you!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

House update

So we should be closing a week from Friday and I can't wait to move and have some space. The apartment has been VERY good to us, but with two boys and beautiful weather, it's getting a little cramped in here.

Good news! My oldest sister, Marcy, was inspired to start looking after discovering the size of our new house is exactly what she needs and the price was exactly what they could afford. They have decided to build in our neighborhood and we will be neighbors.... well, kinda! They will be about a block away.

After seeing what Marcy's beautiful new house will look like, I couldn't help but be a little jealous at the fact that their house will be brand new and totally move-in ready. I had to keep reminding myself of the fact that ours only needs paint and it will be perfect PLUS the pool is something we could never afford to do on our own. I decided to get an estimate from a painter just out of curiosity. My true hope was that we would at least get all the woodwork (base boards, doors, and crown molding) done and we would do the rest. However, I asked for a quote of ceilings (I'd like them to be a tannish color instead of white) and walls. To my surprise, it was a very reasonable quote and we are having the whole inside of the house done right after we close. It's going to take the painters two weeks, so can you imagine how long it would have taken us? YEARS!!!!

We can't wait to get in and settle down :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

William busted out with this tonight. He must have learned it from school and I could just watch this over and over again!

They are also learning the Pledge at school. Tre seems to have it down, but William is still working on it. Some day soon, I'll get that on video too!

I just love my two fellas!

I am downloading this video that I took with my phone and I am not sure if it will work, but I love it! Tre and William wanted a to show off for the camera tonight and I got them saying a few nursery rhymes. Their favorite part? Watching themselves on the computer!