Thursday, October 29, 2009

Train ride

This train ride in the mall made Tre's day. William refused to get on, but he had fun watching Tre. It was only a $1, so I was thrilled with being able to bribe him to behave while I shopped so that he could go ride in the train again ;0)

Tre's tracing...

This is a quick video of Tre working on his workbook. It's his new favorite thing. I mentioned coloring and he asked for the "line" book instead. I am happy with that because it's helping him with writing...even coloring. Now when he colors a picture he says, "I need try stay in lions (Tre's word for lines)." He doesn't, but he tries! :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Tre's pencil holding

You may wonder why I think this picture is significant, but I got a little workbook out that I use with Tre and he picked up the crayon and actually held it correctly! I was really impressed. Usually he grabs it like a stick! This was the first time I've seen him do this! Now maybe I can work on his handwriting, but I must admit, it is really hard to teach a right hander to write since I am a left hander!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Too cute not to post...

Tre and William watching tv together. I don't know why, but I think it's sweet.

I had to document that Tre actually fell asleep at nap time today. It was in the car, but it was still a miracle. He slept almost from door step to door step...almost 3 hours!!!

Dad's surprise 60th birthday party

This weekend was my dad's 60th birthday party. It was a surprise and it was great. My sisters and I decided to surprise my dad AND mom with our costumes. We dressed as my mom and dad through the ages. It was HILARIOUS!

This is me as my mother right now. She LOVES exercise and does it daily, so this is her daily uniform. She also has big diamonds, so I had big bling. I added the reading glasses because it's very rare those aren't on her either. People were pretty freaked out about how much I looked like her.

Allison (my middle sister) was my mom when she is older. She had a name take that said "BEBE-2040's: If found call Dan Bloomer and return to XXX retirement home". She also had a walker with a bag of wine attached to her IV! It was quite funny. Marcy (my oldest sister) was my mom in high school. Becky (my twin sister) was my mom when she was pregnant (perfect since she is really 38 weeks pregnant). She carried a picture of my mom when she was pregnant with us and they were identical!

Scott (Marcy's hubby) was my dad as an eagle scout, and John was my dad in the 70's. You can't tell, but John has salt and pepper hair! I am carrying spray paint because my mother spray paints everything!

This is my dad right when he walked in (he was dressed as George Washington). He couldn't figure out who the man in the mask was, but it was his brother he flew in from Montana.

Allison stayed in character all night and it was pretty darn funny!!!


I don't know if you can see this really well. We went to get new shoes and they had a lego table. Tre had never played with legos of this much detail. By the time we were done at the store, he had built this all by himself. We were quite impressed! He may be an architect!


Why does the toilet break right when Jack leaves? Figures!

Ahhh well...such is the life of a Navy wife!

Monday, October 19, 2009


Now that it's cooler we are able to play outside a little more and not be so miserable. We grilled hamburgers tonight and the boys played! William was so proud of himself for keeping up with his brother!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

RIding bikes with William on the Back

I have been looking for a bike, but haven't found one that I love yet. I was staying at my sisters and her neighbors had one for me to use over the weekend. I think we went at least 5 miles total. Tre LOVED to have me ride next to him and WIlliam giggled the whole time! It was soooo much fun! I WANT A BIKE NOW! Thankfully, my friend Frankie has one that she doesn't use since she is prego, and she dropped it off tonight. We are going to get a seat for the back tomorrow. :) That makes me happy!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Wedding weekend...alone :(

So, I am in Lafayette for a very good friends wedding. Jack couldn't come because it's drill weekend. That makes me super sad, but at the same time, I am totally used to it and have learned to live with going to these things alone.

Except yesterday, I was at the bridesmaids luncheon and the sister of the bride (who went to high school with me) said that she had never actually met Jack and she was so excited to finally meet him. I couldn't believe the I've been married for 6 years, and come to Lafayette so many times (especially for all this wedding stuff) and she'd never actually met him! It was almost a realization at how much I come in town alone! She was joking with me asking if I only wear a ring for show and wondering if I was really married. We were totally joking and laughing, but after I thought about it, it just made me sad. O'well, there is nothing we can do about it!

On another note, another friend from high school came to babysit last night so that I could go to the rehearsal dinner because my regular sitters were unavailable. She teaches kindergarten, so she came all prepared with goodies for the kids. When I got home, she went on and on about how good my kids were. She doesn't have any of her own, but she told my pregnant sister, Becky, that she should pray for kids like mine because they were so well-behaved and easy to please. She couldn't get over how smart William was. She went on and on and you know I loved every minute! ;-)

Sunday, October 11, 2009


William and Tre showing off their rolling and then Tre gets overprotective of his brother. Enjoy


This is William NOT wanting what I made him and asking for a chip. I guess he thought me saying no was funny! :)

Tre's favorite joke

Tre loves to tell this joke. As a matter of fact, it is his only joke and it's getting a little old. We were trying to remember another easy one, but didn't come up with much. Ideas? Anyway, William gets a kick out of him and has recently started saying, "FUNNY!" We think that is the funniest part!

Typical night...

Typical night with Aunt Frankie over after work and both our hubby's either working late or out of town. My house isn't normally this picked up, but it's after bath time and almost bed time, so the night was coming to a close.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Tre funnies!

Jack got home today and since the weather was bad they landed late. We ended up parking (he flew commercially) and waiting inside instead of circling around and around. When Jack finally arrived, Tre ran to him with his arms spread. It's the sweetest thing and Jack says it one of the things that brings him the most joy. I asked if it made him want another and he said, "NOOOooo!" HAHAHA!

Tre is so funny. Here are a few convos from the night:

Tre: Daddy, I got a scar on my face. (He got fell at the gym daycare and got a carpet burn)
Jack: That's okay! Chicks dig scars.
Tre: What happened to Chick Hicks car? (a character on CARS for all you non-CARS fans)
Jack: NO! Chicks dig scars!

Tre is obsessed with Jack making money. Everytime I say that he went to work, he asks if Jack is making money for him and the minute he gets home he asks, "Daddy did you make me some money?" He gets this because everytime Jack comes home he empties his pockets and gives all the coins to the boys to put in thier piggy bank. Tonight Jack gave Tre a quarter, a dime and a nickel. Tre took all three and then handed Jack the nickel and said, "we can use this for Groceries!" How unselfish of him! Jack thinks he might handle his money more like his mommy than his daddy...and that is a really good thing!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I don't see the moon.

Tre HATES to sleep. He certainly doesn't get this from me. Tonight when I put him to bed, he threw a tantrum and this is how the conversation went when I got him to calm down.

Tre: I don't want to take a nap.
ME: You're not taking a nap. This is bedtime. Everyone goes to bed at night.
Tre: BUT I don't want to take a nap.
ME: This isn't a nap!
Tre: What is it then?
ME: Bedtime.
Tre: Why?
ME: Because the moon is up and when the moon is up everyone in the world goes to sleep.
Tre: Does the moon come up for naptime too?
ME: No. The sun is up for naptime and the moon is up for bedtime. You don't always have to take a nap, but you do have to go to bed.
Tre: But I don't want to go to bed!
ME: Tre, when the sun is up, you don't have to sleep. When the moon is up you do have to go to sleep and the moon is up now, so good night.
Tre: But I don't see the moon, so I don't have to go to bed.
ME: The moon is up in the sky, but the curtains are closed so you can't see it. I'll show you tomorrow. Good night.
Tre: Okay. Good night.

Good try on his part. How can the kid never be tired?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pull-ups or No Pull-ups?

That's my question.

Tre has been potty trained for over six months. He wears pull-ups at night and definitely goes in them, but I noticed that if I put a pull-up on 5 minutes before naptime, he'll go in them before I put him down. It's like he just goes in them because he knows he can.

I thought that was what he was doing at night too, and for the first 3 nights he proved that. The past three nights, though, he has had an accident around the same time. I have to admit that last night I did give him so water to drink in bed (he BEGS and sometimes I just don't have the energy to say no), so tonight he will get no water. I will see how that works. If he still has an accident around 11pm, I might debate waking him up and getting him to go. We shall see.

I REALLY REALLY don't want to buy pull-ups anymore. It gets so expensive, especially with William in diapers!