Monday, May 31, 2010

Goodbye to my main Man!

Jack left yesterday and the Goodbye was as good as can be expected. We woke up and took the kids to breakfast and then to Target to pick out a new book sack for Tre's first day at his new preschool (tomorrow). Then we dropped the kids off at my parents. They planned the "perfect" day for the kids. Their cousin Grant, who Tre adores, was over and they were going swimming and to chick-fil-a, and then to Grants house to play with his toys. Thankfully, Tre was so excited that he just said, "BYE DADDY! COME ON GRANT!!!" William went down for a nap. He is a little too young to really understand. It was good!

I drove jack to the Airport (a couple hours away) and we had lunch and I was able to go to the gate with him. Our goodbye was good. Laughing, hugging and kissing. No tears! :)

I left and stopped at the mall for some retail therapy. :)

Tre asks every now and then a few questions. Here is a sample convo:

Tre: Is daddy coming back in this many days? (holds up 3 fingers)
Me: No, more like 365 days.
Tre: But mommy, that's too much long!
Me: I know. I think so too.

We got the boys Hug-a-hero dolls and they love them. Grayson (their smallest cousin) loves it too!

P.S. I do have to admit. When the kids ask, "where's my daddy?" and are talking about a pillow it does feel kinda sad to me!

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