1. I need to pee pee (and did).
2. I need to poo poo (and didn't).
3. I have a buger in my nose (and didn't).
4. I need to poo poo (and didn't).
It's only been about 15 minutes!! ARG! Thankfully, Tre's only come out once to say that he's so thirsty he might throw up! HA! Funny, how just a few minutes ago he was feeling just fine running around like a wild man.
5. I need to pee pee. Not poo poo. I need go pee pee.
Anyhow, I started a sticker chart with Tre and one of his behaviors is going to bed without coming out of his room. That seems to have helped tremendously.
6. No words, just underwear and pj shorts he wanted back on.
Wonder what'll be next!
Sarah - this is too funny!